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Heat Capacitor  
Heat Capacitor

Heat Capacitor, Heat Capacity, CO2 Laser Heating, Sapphire tubes, Laser radiation, Optical Components, Laser Heating, Coupling, Cone, co-drawing laser heated pedestal growth (CDLHPG) LHPG technique, LHPG, Temperature field


Fig. 1. (a). The schematic of sapphire tube assisted CDLHPG system. (b) The end view and side view of the sapphire tube with fused-silica capillary

Fig.2 Heat Capacitor Stand


Fig.3 Experimental setup for fabrication of the paired HLPGs based on CO2 laser

Heat Capacitor Specifications:

OD: 1.0mm
ID : 0.6mm
Length: 20.0mm

OD: 1.0mm
ID : 0.6mm
Length: 10.0mm

Note: For more reference papers about the LHPD Heat Capacitor, please contact us and ask for them.


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